How to Hit 100,000 Followers in 2025
2025 is approaching and it's time to up our marketing game, ready for the new year.
In this episode I'm sharing how to hit that dream goal - 100,000 followers on social.
I know it's a big number, but with virality today, it's TOTALLY possible with the right strategy.
And... you be glad to know that that's what I'm sharing in this episode. Let's go!
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Hey everyone, welcome back to the podcast. Great to see you. Today I'm sharing how to hit 100, 000 followers. In 2025. Yes, we are already moving towards 2025. It's crazy. We're coming towards the final quarter of 2024 and boy does time fly. And so now's a good time to start thinking about how you might actually grow in the new year.
I'm really diving deep on exactly what you need to do in this episode and how you can scale up your socials fast. So get a pen and paper ready. It's a lot easier to hit 100, 000 nowadays than it was to hit 100, 000 before. three years ago because of virality, because you can get millions of views and tens of thousands of followers in a very short period of time because you can grow at these incredible rates right now.
You know, a hundred thousand is doable. Okay. And so if you, if you're like, Dan, I want to do social media seriously. You know, I'd urge you to put a hundred thousand as The target that you're going after. Um, and again, that might sound like a huge target and you think that's impossible, but you know, that's the kind of number that is a life changing number.
You know, that's the kind of number that gets you on stages purely from your social kudos. That's the kind of number that brings in thousands of leads into your business every single month. That's the kind of number. They can help you scale something into seven figures, you know, and that's the kind of number that can help you, you know, sit on the beach shipping my ties.
Now, it's not that you can't hit all of those things with lower numbers. Of course you can, but I think it's a good number to go after. You know, if someone says to me, Dan, you know, I want to hit 10, 000 in 2025, you know, I've got a whole year to hit down 10, 000, I would say that's too low. You know, you've got a whole year, you can go for a big number, you know, so I encourage you to set a high bar, um, and it's totally possible.
So today I want to talk about, well, assuming you've said you want to hit 100, 000, even if you started from zero, what are the steps that you need to put in place in order to hit that number? Literally from zero all the way up to scaling up to 100, 000. So I'm just going to walk through those steps and hopefully this will give you guys some food for thought.
Now, of course, the first step is to understand what your niche is. Now I know that's going to cause a bit of an eye roll moment because people like, yeah, well, that's the hardest bit Dan, cause I don't know what it is. Well, yeah, but it's hard for a reason, right? So, you know, you need to understand what your niche is.
You need to understand what value you're delivering for other people and what outcome you're helping people achieve. What specific result are you helping people achieve, right? What is the tangible measurable ROI driven result you're helping people achieve? You know, there's only three different elements to what people want in life, health, wealth, and happiness.
Which one of those are you helping people with? Are you helping them get more healthy, right, by, say, getting fitter? Or maybe you're helping them avoid being less healthy. Maybe you're removing pain that they have right now. Are you helping them get more wealthy, you know, as in making more money, or removing debt, as in, you know, get more wealthy by being less in debt?
And happiness, you know, you're helping them be more happy, or are you helping them remove trauma? You know, like, it's either a positive of more of what they want, or the removal of a negative that prevents them from getting them what they want. Right, those are the outcomes I want you to go after. And I want you to set a specific outcome for those, you know, not just like, Oh, damn, mate.
You know, I'm just here to kind of like help people. Okay, with what? I don't know. All right, you know, okay. You know, a specific outcome, right? If you're helping people make money, how much money? You know, if you're helping people become happier, you know, with what? Okay, what specific thing are you helping people become happier with?
You know, if you're helping people become healthier and you're helping them lose weight, how much weight? You know, how fit are you going to get them? What are they going to look like? What's the body shape they're going after? You know, you've got to be very specific here. In terms of the outcome that you're helping people achieve.
But the great news is the outcome can come from you. It doesn't need to be something that other, someone else has told you. It can be literally anything and it can come from you. So choose something that you enjoy doing, right? So first you need to establish your niche. And then once you have a sense of the outcome, you're helping people achieve.
and how the value you're going to create for people in order to be able to show them that you're the person that they should be investing in, then of course you need to start making content around that niche. Your content should be a derivative of the outcome that you help people with, i. e. your content should be talking about the things that your outcome involves in the way that you do that.
So let's say you help people lose weight. Five pounds in five weeks through high intensity workouts. Your content is gonna be a derivative of how you do that, right? Maybe it's exercises, specifically high intensity exercises. Maybe it's nutrition plans, you know, maybe it's goal planning. Whatever your outcome involves, that is what your content should be about.
Because when you have a misalignment between what you talk about and what you sell, it becomes very hard to actually make any money on social. Okay, so we need that alignment between what we talk about and what we sell. And that's the key. You know, where we have a disconnect, what's going to happen is people are going to find you for one thing, but then see content on another thing that they're not interested in, or they're going to follow you for something.
And then you make them an offer, which is completely different. Let's say you're helping people make, I don't know, 3, 000 a month, you know, from their email list, but you have an offer and that offer is about how to scale your business with ads, right? You can see how those two are, you know, against each other.
And then make no sense. Okay. So you need to make sure that the content that you're speaking to aligns with the thing that you sell. If it doesn't, you'll struggle to sell and people will struggle to follow you because they'll see your bio and your bio will say one thing, but your content will be about something else.
And so this is a really important setup part of your journey to 100k, because if they come to your profile and they're not convinced by the value that you They're not going to follow you. So you're never going to hit 100k. If they come to your profile and they see a lot of craziness and randomness, they're not going to follow you.
You know, they need to be able to come to your profile and say, wow, this guy's legit. Look at all this great stuff that he's sharing. I like his content. I like who he is. All of his stuff is absolutely dead on what I care about. And so I'm going to hit that follow button. I said, it's really important, really important that we get the niche, the And the offer, and the bio, all locked in, clicking together, and relating to each other, and then the content being, you know, in alignment with those three things as well, because if we don't You'll struggle to grow.
If you're, if you're getting views but not follows right now, it's usually a niche problem, it's usually that, you know, your bio says one thing, your content says another, or people don't get you, or your content's really random, you know, it's usually a niche problem. Okay, so, we need to get that sorted and make sure that's as tight as possible before we start.
If we want to accelerate as quickly as possible on social now some of this you will find as you go Of course, this is going to be an experimentation and learning phase But you want to have a broad sense of where you're at And so I always say to people, you know Focus on a specific outcome you want to help people with but keep your content broad within that.
All right So for example, I help people go viral and grow their business on social So my content is about marketing broadly. Okay. So keep your content nice and broad, keep it as broad as possible while still remaining relevant to your niche. Okay. So if you like Dan, I help do, uh, you know, lipstick evenings.
You can be broad and talk about beauty and makeup broadly. Okay. You don't have to just talk about lipstick. And the reason why that's important is because if you're too narrow in the stuff that you talk about, you're going to struggle getting views because there's not enough traffic. There's not enough attention in that space.
So we want to keep you as broad as possible while still remaining relevant to what you do. All right. So I'm giving you, um, For you niche people, I'm giving you permission to talk about a broader range of things. So long as it's still relevant, that's great. Yeah. So anything to do with any aspect of the process.
So for me, I talk about going viral, right? But to go viral, you still have to nail your niche and you still have to get your bio right. So I still talk about niching and bios because they're all part of the process. You know, you might say, yeah, but Dan, nailing your niche, that's not viral. That's not about going viral.
It's like what it, what it is though, because if you don't get your niche right, you're not going to go viral. Right? You see, so there's lots of, there's lots of elements and strands to what you do, and you can talk about all of those things in your journey. So keep it as broad as you can, while still relevant to your niche and the outcome that you help people with.
And then start making content, of course, right? And that content, you want to be Keeping that content again as broad as possible, but focused on what is actually being created out there right now. Okay, what is being created right now? When you think about what your broad content might be, marketing, sales, for example, fitness, nutrition, exercises, that kind of stuff.
When you think about that, The whole point of growing is that you don't guess, okay? Instead, what you do is you look at what's popular right now and what people are talking about and we make what we know people are actually looking for and what people are actually watching. So specifically, from your content, you want to be doing your research, going into the search, Function on whatever platform you're on and swiping through content and looking into keywords and swiping through those keywords and looking for two things.
A. What are the topics that people care about in your niche and B. What are the formats that people are watching? Those topics in, in your niche specifically. Okay. So let's say it was for me. Okay. I focus on marketing more broadly. One element of marketing is sales. I talk about sales. So I'm going to type sales into the search function on Instagram.
Then I'm going to swipe through sales content. I'm going to find viral content in the sales space, and then I'm going to write down the topics that. People are talking about when it comes to sales. And I'm going to write down the formats that people are communicating sales content through. And that is what I am going to make.
Okay. That's what I'm going to make. And that's the difference between coming up with ideas out of your own head and having no idea whether they're going to work and guessing the whole way through to informed data driven decision making. If you want to hit a hundred thousand followers in 2025, you have to look at the data.
Okay, you cannot just keep guessing and making stuff out of your own head. You have to look at the data, you have to look at what's working, and you have to respond to the data. So you might say, yeah, but Dan, I don't like anything that I find. Well, maybe that's on you and not on the rest of the world to change, you know?
The world is consuming stuff in a certain way. You're either on the bus or you're not. The question is, can you get on the bus? I want you to put all your time and energy in putting your personality into what works and not trying to do something different for the sake of being different. A lot of people think that the way you stand out is by talking about stuff no one cares about, you know?
And I say that because most of the people I meet actually think that. They're like, yeah, Dan, everyone's doing that, so I'm going to do something else. Makes no sense because firstly not everyone's doing that only 1 percent of people are doing that and the only reason you know They're doing that is because it's in your feed and the only reason it's in your feed It's because people actually care about that content Okay the 99 percent of the rest of the world are doing something random and you'll never see them because You don't care about the stuff they're doing because they're talking about shit.
No one cares about Okay, if you want to grow you have to talk about What people care about, in the formats that people watch that in, okay? And then put all your time and energy, instead of putting time and energy into guessing about what to make and coming up with your own ideas, put all your time and energy into showing up as your full self within that content.
That's how you grow. It really is quite simple when it comes to content. The question is not, you know, do you need to learn more and is it difficult to learn? The question is, are you willing to do it? Are you willing to do it? Are you willing to really look at the data and accept that, do you know what? A lot of people are still obsessed with hashtags.
I don't care about hashtags. Okay? I don't give a shit about hashtags. We don't even use hashtags anymore, but I know people still care about hashtags. Okay? So I talk about hashtags, but the way I talk about them is by telling people to stop caring about hashtags. Okay? But I still talk about them because I know people care about them.
Okay, so you've got to follow the attention. You've got to follow the data. You've got to make stuff that works. All right. So that's the second step. After you've got your niche nailed down, you know, the outcome that you want to help people achieve. And you've, you've created, you know, you've got a plan for some broad content that's going to attract the right people.
Then the content that you come up with needs to be content that's been actually researched and is around the topics people care about in the formats that people watch. Once you do that, you're going to start seeing some great increases in your views. That's great news. You're going to start getting more views on your content.
You're going to be like, Dan, why didn't I do this earlier? This actually feels good. Turns out it feels good when you get lots of views on your content. Yeah. And so when you start responding to the data, you'll get more views. And now suddenly, You're off to the races. You're starting to grow. Maybe you've gone from, you know, a hundred views to a thousand views.
And now we're starting to see some real potential in what you're doing. It's at this point, then, that we need to start testing some different things. We don't know exactly what your audience is going to love. We don't know exactly what the algorithm is going to Want to see from you. So we need to test a bunch of stuff.
Okay. So we do our research, find stuff that works and then test a range of different content to see what is going to get the best possible response from our audience and from new people. So we're going to test out lots of different formats, lots of different styles, you know, that might be face to camera, that might be skits, that might be two person conversations, it might be top down videos of stuff, it might be you standing in front of a whiteboard, it might be you lying on the floor, who knows?
Okay? We're going to test out a range of different content within your niche, again, Based on what you found from your research with a goal to create spikes on your account that get really, really high views. Okay, so what? As soon as we tap into what we know people care about, our views are going to go up.
But now we want to create big spikes. We want to create big fluctuations in your account. You want to deliberately destabilize. The views on your account. So currently right now, you know, they might be flatlining at a hundred for you and you're like, Dan, is this ever gonna get better? You don't get better just by like, you know, going a hundred, one, a hundred, two, 103.
You get better by doing something completely different and getting 3000. So we're gonna test out a whole bunch of stuff, create a whole bunch of fluctuations in your account, see what's getting the biggest spikes on our account as we test out that stuff. And then of course we're gonna repeat what works.
We're going to do more of the stuff that is performing the highest on our account. Assuming all of that stuff is based on proven viral, stuff that's actually been researched, yeah? If we just, you know, try and respond to random ideas that we've had, you're gonna struggle, because you don't know why they've gone viral, okay?
They're just, it was just a random idea that may have, you know, and it spiked, and you don't know why. Whereas when we actually based off on research, we can see what's getting more views and we can see what people want more of, and then we can make more of that. And then as we go through a process of selecting the winners and losing the losers, if we continue to double down on the winners, our views are going to keep going up and up throughout that time.
And as the views go up and up, the followers come in, and as the followers come in, the views go up further, because now our Baseline reach is going up and now we're reaching even more people. And that's the key for content. Content really is that simple. And so many people are like, Oh, Dan, you know, does it need to be 30 seconds long and use, you know, trending audio with 3, 278 plays and does it need, you know, five hashtags and do I need this perfect hook and, you know, do I need to come in and change the scenery and use loose load of filters and do a whole lot of hyper speed editing and.
dot. And the answer is no, you don't need to do any of that shit. You don't need to do any of that shit. Okay, all you need to do is research what's working in your space right now and then make that. And then test a bunch of stuff and keep the winners. That's literally all there is to it, guys. That is literally all there is to it.
In terms of content. Okay, there's no, you don't need to learn how to create, you know, crazy hyper edited content if crazy hyper edited content doesn't go viral in your niche and for most niches, it doesn't. Okay, it's only really marketing that puts in like a lot of hyper edited content. Broadly speaking, most niches don't use hyper edited content.
Much editing at all with the exception of marketing and maybe like photography and videography where, you know, those guys are deliberately trying to show off their editing skills, broadly speaking, most niches, simple content works. Okay. So you don't need to learn all of this stuff. You only need to learn what is going viral in your niche specifically.
And so I'm trying to, I'm giving you an excuse here. I'm giving you a get out of jail free card to say. You don't need to learn as much as you think you need to learn. You only need to learn what's relevant. Okay. What's relevant. So it's easier. All right. So that's all you've got to do with your content.
And then of course we have that final element, which is the important element to help us grow, which is the community element. The community element is really important because engage on your accounts also important. Now, in previous podcasts, we have talked about how engagement doesn't equal sales.
They're not the same thing. Okay, they're not directly linked. They can support each other, but they're not directly linked. But we do want to build out our community on our account. We want high engagement on our content because more engagement helps push our content out further and helps us grow faster.
So engagement is a really good thing and we want engagement on our account. Okay, but in order to get engagement, we have to do engagement. Engagement is a reciprocal relationship. You can't just have people telling you how awesome you are all day long and then ghost those people and expect them to keep telling you how awesome you are because you know what?
If they tell you how awesome you are and then you ghost them, you're not actually that awesome anymore. Sorry, you kind of suck. All right, so we need to build a community up. How do we build a community? Firstly, we need to know who You Is going to be engaging with that content and so here's the bit that blows most people's minds is the people that engage with your content are not your ideal customers, they are your peers, okay, they're your peers, they're other people in your space right now.
Let me give you an example. Where would you go on a networking night, if you went on a business networking night? All the people around you in that business networking night would be other business owners, right? They all have the same background. They all have a common thread between those people. And so your community is a community, gonna be a community of peers.
Your ideal customer is not just going to hang out and tell you how awesome you are for several reasons. A. They don't really know you yet. B. They haven't got a result in what you do. So they're not actually passionate about the topic yet. And C. If they want to buy from you, they're probably not going to hang out and tell you how much of a fan they are first.
What they tend to do is just go straight through and buy from you. Most people that buy from me Say Dan, I've been following you for ages. I look on your profile and then you said the right thing. And then I bought, okay. They don't just tell you how awesome you are all day long. Your successful students will tell you how awesome you are.
All right. So once you've helped them get a result, then they will hang out and engage with your content. But the, your ideal customers won't engage with your content. They'll just go straight through and buy from you. Okay. So, so often people like Dan, you know, I need more engagement. If I don't get more engagement, I won't get more sales.
But it doesn't work like that because the engagement doesn't come from ideal customers. Your engagement comes from peers. So how do we get engagement from peers? Well, the first thing we need to do is make sure that the peers that we connect with are actually active on the platform. Most people will just scroll through their feed, type in a comment on someone's post, they don't even know who, and then You know, expect that to actually help grow their account.
It won't, because you don't know if you just scroll through your feed and comment on someone's post, you don't know if that person is an active commenter or not. Right. You don't know if they're going to reciprocate that engagement. And the chances are, they probably won't. So here's what you got to do. If you want to grow a really high engagement, really fast and a really strong following a really, really good peer network of people.
Here's what you got to do. Go to an influencer in your niche. For example, if you're in marketing, you come over to my profile, hang out with my community. That's cool. Go to an influencer in your niche, go to one of their posts, drop a comment on one of their posts, okay, and then find the commenters on their posts.
Okay, so go into one of my posts, find my post commenters and then Of those commenters, find the ones that are dropping good comments, not just fire emojis, and in your space. Alright, so go into my commenters, find other people in marketing, then go to their profile, follow that person, DM that person and say hello, don't ask them to follow you back, just say hello and thank them for being awesome.
And then comment on a couple of their posts, and that's it. That's it. Tomorrow, they'll comment on your posts, then you reciprocate it back, and you're good to go. It's literally that easy. Again, some people are like, Dan, how do I get more engagement on our accounts? Like, literally, just find other people that are commenting in your space.
And they comment on their stuff and they'll comment on your stuff and then reciprocate that and comment on their stuff and that's it. It's actually surprisingly easy to get a hundred comments on your, on every single post that you drop. You just have to do a bunch of engagement. Now you might say, yeah, Dan though, why am I connecting with other people that are competitors of mine?
Right. What's the point in that? Well, firstly, a lot of your peers will actually buy from you because of course peers are at different levels and they're already convinced by the value of the thing. So a lot of the people that buy from me are peers. Even, and that's even in the early days, not just now, even in the early days, my peers buy from me because they want to learn how I do the things that I do.
But also, your, what happens is when you have a big network of peers all engaging with your content, that sends signals to the algorithm to say, this guy must be legit because all these other experts in his space Are also confirming that he's legit they're engaging with his content and saying that his content is really good and so If all these experts think that he's good what i'm going to do what I the instagram Algorithm are going to do is i'm going to push dan out to his ideal customer Okay, because I can see he obviously does a good job Yeah.
So those peers actually push you out to your ideal customer who then go straight through and buy from you. You also open up opportunities to collaborate with your peers as well. You know, you, and I've grown my business more from collaborations than I have from customers. Okay. And I really mean that when I collaborate with people, I get in front of new networks, you know, I.
Get to do collaboration posts that help boost me and put me in front of new people. I get in front of other people's, you know, webinar communities and networking communities. And I might get like a, to do a talk on stage somewhere through a connect that I made somewhere else, you know, collaborations will grow your business more than customers will.
Right. So all these people that you're connecting with. Some of your peers will actually buy from you and you'd be amazed at how much engagement, how much sales you can make just by doing this. And you'll have all these collaboration opportunities to get you in front of all of these new people. Okay. So it's actually very easy to get like 50 comments on every single post that you do.
And it's really not about the quality of the post. It's about the engagement that you do. So if you want to hit 100, 000 followers in 25, 2025 fast, let's recap on what you need to do. Firstly, you need to create a clear niche. You need to understand the outcome that you're helping people get, and then you need to have content that is a derivative of that outcome at the steps of the outcome that you help people achieve, right?
You're going to take that content. Those steps, right? And then you're going to go and do research into keywords relating to those things. So let's say you're a fitness instructor that's helping people lose five pound in five weeks. Okay. One of those steps is, you know, workouts. Okay. I'm going to go and type in keywords for workouts.
It might be keywords like Workout or hit workout or, you know, best exercises. I'm going to start looking at keywords. I'm going to research that content, find the content that's going viral, understand the topics that people are talking about in the formats that people watch in my niche. And then I'm going to make content just like that.
Okay, just like that, but I'm going to make it my own by adding my own personality to it and Adding my own flavor to it as well bringing that awesome charisma and personality that I have Meanwhile all this time whilst I'm consistently posting all of this awesome content. I'm gonna be doing engagement each day Connecting with new peers in my industry once they know are active and actively commenting creating new relationships with those people, reciprocating comments to build up my baseline engagement, and then collaborating with those people on other posts in order to be able to get me in front of new networks.
And then the last thing, if you want to, of course, and it's always beneficial, is, um, Update people throughout this journey by doing stories and doing lives and sharing your journey in all of the other aspects that are available to you on the platform that you're on. TikTok has stories now, so you can be posting daily stories into TikTok if you want to.
Instagram has stories. YouTube has stories, but it's, I'm not sure, as developed as others. They tend to be just more content, but YouTube also has stories as well. But you know, Share and update people on the journey. Go live and talk to people. Show people you're not just a post machine and that you are a human being.
And, you know, connect with people in as real a way as possible. You know, for those people that you're engaging with, jump on a Zoom, talk to them. Jump on a live and talk to people. Send voice notes. Make new friends. Enjoy the process. You know, and that's literally all you need to do to hit 100, 000 followers is you just need to keep doing those things.
You need to keep focusing on your niche and the results you get people, the content that you make, making sure that content's really always nailing exactly what people care about and, you know, keeping the winners and losing the losers and then a regular engagement routine. Half an hour of engagement a day will put you in great stead to grow.
I do recommend an hour if you can. I know that sounds like a lot, but you can do engagement whilst you're walking along. You can do engagement whilst you're sat on the loo. You can do engagement whilst you're watching Netflix. You can do engagement anytime you want. And when I say an hour a day, You can do it in little five minute chunks throughout the day.
All right. And we call it the power hour over here. And you know, it genuinely does massively increase your, the rate of growth in your account. And you will also get leads and sales into your business through the engagement that you do as well. So, you know, it's a good thing to do. Okay. The more people you connect with, the more money you'll make.
That's just the bottom line. If you keep those three fundamentals going diligently. throughout the year, you will grow insanely fast and scale yourself up to 100, 000 followers. And last thing on all of this, what I've just said works on every single platform. It works in every single platform. It's the same process on TikTok or YouTube or Instagram.
Even LinkedIn, it works in exactly the same way, particularly on the engagement side. Engagement is an absolute massive, massive LinkedIn right now. And it works in exactly the same way. So you can implement this, but don't, don't, don't try and grow a hundred thousand people on all of the platforms simultaneously, you're going to burn yourself out as too much.
Okay. In 2025, if you're just getting into social media, or you really want to start growing on social media, just focus on one platform in 2025. Okay. One platform, put all your time and energy into it. Like, don't like, we don't be like, Oh, I'm, you know, cause I'm trying to grow on four different platforms now, I only have 15 minutes of engagement on each.
That's just going to reduce the growth time on all of those platforms, right? Focus on one platform, put all your time and energy into that, run these three steps and you know, you'll grow. faster than you ever could have imagined. And then as you grow, ask people questions about what they want to buy and the stuff that you can build for them that they actually want.
All right. At the beginning we said in terms of your niche, figure out what outcome you want to help people with, but be open to adjusting the offers that you make to respond to where the demand is. You are not the buyer. They are the buyer, find out what they want to buy and then build that stuff. Okay.
And then that way, as you grow, you're following out, you can also be making plenty of money as you go. It's really that simple guys. It doesn't take a big, you know, thought out plan and months and months of work and tons and tons of building and tons of tons of guesswork. Okay. All you have to do is those three things.
Now, you might say, Dan, you know, but I've heard those kind of things already, okay, you know, and like, oh, a lot of people say these things, and I'm not claiming what I've just said to you is new or original, although some of the content areas I've talked about I do think are original, but, you know, when it comes to getting your niche right and doing engagement, I know these are fundamentals that you've heard a hundred times.
All I would say to that is, why do you think you've heard them a hundred times? You know, why do you think so many influencers and people at my level all say the same thing? Okay, because it works. Okay, because it works. So, you know, don't be like, yeah, Dan, you know, don't be like, oh, but I want to hear something else though.
You know, Dan, I was hoping you'd say something else, you know, and I listened to all these guys and they're all saying the same thing about how to grow. It's like, well, listen to them then. You know, listen to them. If everyone's saying the same thing to you and everyone's saying, this is exactly how you do that and you're, you know, putting your feet in the ground and saying, well, I don't want to do it that way though.
It's like, well, that's on you though. It's not on them. It's like, stop trying to find, you know, the golden nugget that's going to be, that's going to tell you exactly what you want to hear because it doesn't exist. It doesn't exist. What I just told you, this is how you do it. Okay. And all the other influencers in my space, they all agree with me.
Okay. Because we all, we know each other and this is how you do it. This is how we got to where we got to. Okay. So you've, you've got the recipe. I've given you the recipe. The question now is, are you willing to hear what I've just told you and actually implement on that? If you are, you'll be more successful than you ever could have dreamed of.
Okay. So I just, I urge you to really just listen to what I've said and go, Okay. Maybe, you know, now it's time to kind of like, stop fighting the process and go, okay, you know, I know Dan's talking fundamentals here, but you've got to get the fundamentals right. You know, you can't dunk the ball if you can't dribble to the basket.
You cannot dunk the ball if you can't dribble to the basket, okay? I get that some of this stuff feels like dribbling to the basket and it feels pretty basic, but it You have to have the fundamentals, right? You cannot win the game if you can't dribble the ball to the basket Okay, you gotta get the fundamentals, right?
And you'd be amazed at how just by getting the fundamentals right, you can do incredible things purely with fundamentals. Okay. You don't need to be the wildest personality or the most engaging person, or, you know, the biggest, highest charisma guy. You actually don't need to do all of that stuff. I know so many people that have, you know, six figure followings and they're really quite boring.
You know, they're not actually particularly interesting people, you know, and their content is quite boring and it's very everyday and it's quite boring, but everything they are making, it's just, it's absolutely on point for what people want to hear and what people want to read about and what people care about, you know, so you don't, you don't need to become this incredible, woke.
Persona, celebrity, charisma to do these fundamentals. These fundamentals work, even if you're terrified of the camera, if you're boring, you know, if you're not very interested in stuff, if you're just, you know, you just want to like, just grind this thing out. It's like they work for anyone. Like, there's no, there's no minimum bar that you need in order to be able to make these work, you know.
There's no maximum age that you need to be in order to be able to make these work. We have people, we have grandmas who started with us at 80 years old that now have 100, 000 followers, okay? And they started at 80 years old, you know, and all they did was implement the fundamentals that I've just shared with you.
Okay, so it doesn't matter how old you are, how young you are, how much you know, or how much you don't know, or how big a charisma you are, or not, or whatever your personality is, it really doesn't matter. If you just do the fundamentals You will grow. You can't not grow, right? If you make content that people care about, and then you select your best content and continue to double down on what works, how can you not grow?
Is that, is it possible to not grow? It's like, no, it's not possible to not grow. You know, if you engage with your peers every day and create a whole bunch of engagement or reciprocation in your account and a really strong community, you can't not grow, right? And it doesn't matter how interesting you are or not, you just, the, if you get these fundamentals right, you cannot not grow, okay?
Can't, this can't not work, it's just a question of how fast it works, you know? But it can't not work, it will always move you in the right direction. So I encourage you, really, you know, hear what I've shared today and implement that. Because you can make 2025 the best year yet. You know, 2025 could be the year that you finally stop fighting the fundamentals, implement the stuff that, you know, and the advice that people are giving you, and then finally quit that job you hate.
You know, 2025 could be the year where everything changes. You know, it could be the year where everything changes. And what I've just described to you is the way that you do that. So go enjoy it. Have fun. Get your head down. Stick to the fundamentals. Don't get distracted. Don't give up straight away. All this stuff is an exponential curve.
You won't see much results straight away, but that doesn't mean that it's not working. It's just like a bank, you know, if you pay money into a bank, you don't really see any interest from that bank in the first five years, do you? You know, you've got this, maybe you've got 3 percent interest. Yeah, down 3 percent interest on a hundred quids, only three quid.
Who cares? You know, it's like, but it's a bank though. The longer you pay into it, the more compound interest you build up. And then the, and if you stick with it, it goes from, you know, flat line doesn't really mean anything to just, you know, massive acceleration. Yeah. And, you know, I can't tell you how many people I've seen either working with us or just I've seen, you know, just kind of like sat stagnant for ages and then just exploded, you know, and the only, but the only reason why they exploded is because they stuck with it, you know, so let's say you start from zero in 2025, don't expect anything big to happen within the first three months.
Right, just just don't expect it like manage your expectations. You're not gonna get 10, 000 followers in the first three months It's not a linear curve. It's not a linear line. Okay, it's not time in equals growth out It's not doesn't work like that at the beginning. It's flat flat before it goes exponential.
Okay. So the first few months don't expect any results, just post consistent content, do the engagement, you know, but don't expect any, any big results. Okay. But after Q1, you're going to start seeing some growth. And then that growth is going to accelerate as you move through to Q2, Q3, Q4 within that year.
And then by the end of it, you know, you'll be in a completely different world that you, that you think of. You might say, oh, Dan, Dan, you know, a year, those 2025, that's a year, that's a long time. It's like 20, a year is not a long time, guys. You know, like it's such a short amount of time, you know, from a business perspective, we're all, we talk in quarters, you know, we, we already have a projection for everything we want to do in the business into 2025 and gone into 2026, you know, You need to be more patient and thinking bigger, okay, longer timescales.
Because otherwise, if you want everything now straight away, you're just going to stay chasing laser pens all day long. And you know you guys are listening, you know you're doing it, you know you keep getting distracted, you know you keep chasing laser pens all the time. It's because you're not giving anything enough time.
All right, so it's 2025. That's the plan for the year, okay? Don't expect any results in the first three months. That's just gonna get you, that's just you get, getting your shit together, okay? That's the first three months. Don't expect any first results in the first three months. Manage your expectations, set up a consistency in a plan, follow these fundamentals, and see the whole year through doing what I've just shared with you.
If you do that, You'll win. If you do that, you will win. That's it. Go smash your 2025 everybody. So there you go. I hope you enjoyed the podcast today. You've got some ideas and you've got a battle plan to go and smash your social in 2025. Now's a great time to start planning what that's going to look like because we are approaching the final quarter of the year and we want to make sure that we have as much clarity as possible moving into that new year, particularly in the first step that I shared today, all about your niche.
Okay. I know niching can be hard. So take this time as we run it towards the end of the year. To reflect on that and put together what that niche is going to look like so that you can come Into the new year as strong as possible and not lose any time We don't want to lose a quarter working out what our niche is next year.
We want to come straight in so use this time to reflect on that and come back with something that's really, really clear, articulate, and ready to rock. Now, speaking of niche, if you are struggling with your niche and you want some help with that, then you need to come over into Social Boom. In Social Boom, you get access to our entire program on how to grow your following fast by getting millions of views and unlimited leads.
on social, but when you come in, you also get a special benefit. And that is our nail your niche workshop. This is our award winning workshop that we've been running for the last three years. So that we've had thousands of people go through and it has five star rated reviews on Trustpilot, over 120 reviews on Trustpilot, all saying how cool it is.
Awesome. This workshop is, it is an absolute game changer. It's something that we've worked on and revised a lot over the last few years and made it into something that's incredibly powerful, incredibly profound, and something that's going to get you to your niche fast. I know you're absolutely going to love it.
That workshop is totally free. When you join social boom, all you need to do is head over to social boom. com and join a membership. It's only 7. to join the membership, unlock the entire program on how to grow in social and get your nail your niche workshop for free in there. So I know you're absolutely going to love it.
Come on over, join our 1000 plus members that we have already and do something incredible today. Head on over to socialboom. com for more information and don't forget to share this video. Make sure you share it with your friends. Put it on your stories. Talk about it in a live, share it in a post, put it on LinkedIn, wherever you want to put it, share it with your friends.
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